Shadow Billionaire
Directed By: Alexis Spraic
1 hrs. 26 min.
This documentary feature explores the mysterious death of DHL founder and self-made billionaire Larry Hillblom and the subsequent court battle over his estate between Hillblom's power-hungry business partners and Philippine women who claim to be the mothers of his illegitimate children.
Shadow Billionaire is a brilliant film. Spraic has crafted a mystery story into a thrilling legal piece that represents a David and Goliath tale; the poor Philippine women and their cunning lawyer are David, and the rich and established business partners and big-time lawyers are Goliath.
The viewer starts out believing that these women are out for money because of the destitute state they are in, but as we learn the truth behind Larry's supposed friends, we easily see who is telling the truth. That truth and how the headstrong Philippine lawyer discovers it are shocking.
Shadow Billionaire is a masterpiece.
Grade: A+
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