The Evil Dead
Directed By: Sam Raimi
Starring: Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Hal Delrich, Betsy Baker, Sarah York
Year of Release: 1981
Rated: NC-17
1 hrs. 25 min.
In this classic horror film from the now renowned filmmaker Sam Raimi, five friends travel to a cabin in the woods. Upon exploring the cabin their first night they come across a Book of the Dead and a recording of a man's research and readings of demonic incantations. Upon playing the recordings they unwittingly release an evil in the woods. One by one the characters are possessed and become zombies. Will any of them make it to see the sun rise?
The Evil Dead has everything you expect from your classic horror movie: lots of blood, gore, cheesiness. Despite being a non-Hollywood chillfest, the film, like any great classic, has many a great scare and thrill in it, from a brutal attack on one girl by the trees and roots in the forest to the iconic scene in which a possessed zombie girl stabs her friend in the ankle with a pencil.
The film went on to spawn two sequels, Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness, a stage musical, and a comic book series. There is even a fourth film in the works. Hey, if Bruce Campbell returns in the fourth film, then that is also sure to be a classic as well.
This is one film that is not just a must see for the film buffs and horror aficianados. Anyone and everyone should see The Evil Dead, but be prepared for the occasional cheesy moment and bad acting. But isn't that what makes so many of our favorite horror films so classic?
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